Thursday, April 25, 2013


Definition of Absurd:
1) ridiculously unreasonable, unsound
2) having no rational or orderly relationship to human life : meaningless

Something that I find completely Absurd in life is BAD MANNERS. When people don't have good manners I think it is so absurd. I feel like good manners is common sense and makes the world a better place if everyone had them.

I also think that bombing innocent people and being able to purchase or make weapons is absurd. There is no reason why an untrained person should be able to get ahold of that kind of power.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Essay Reflection

I think what I did well on my essay was knowing the differences between the groups in the new world and how the lower groups made the higher groups look like a higher society.
What I could've done better was organize my thoughts and planned a better thesis to base my essay on.