Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Applied Modernism

Essay Pre-write (Richard Cory)
• people thought of Richard Cory as a thing not a person
• disruptive rhythm
• difference between inner and outer world
• deceptive appearances hiding difficult truths

"Richard Cory" Essay

In the poem "Richard Cory" uses many Modernist thoughts and ideas of ways of writing. Modernists used the idea of modernism which was what they thought would be the vision of the future. The author of the poem "Richard Cory" included in his writing the characters inner and outer world, disruptive appearances hiding some difficult truths, and disruptive rhythm to his poem to make people think outside of what people had always thought.

In the poem this Modernist author used the main characters inner and outer feelings to show how what we think in our own thoughts can be drastically different from the thoughts of outer people. He uses this when he talks about the outer thoughts of all the other people in town thinking that Richard Cory was a high class man. Then at the end of the poem the author reveals the truth about Richard Cory.

The author of this poem also uses deceptive appearances to explain the man who was a person the town looked up to. This use of modernism I very similar to inner and outer strategy. Although, it is slightly different because deceptive appearances hiding difficult truths is how the town thought of him before and how they thought about him after. The author uses this to explain the ideas of modernism as other people finding out people's true selves.

Lastly, the author also includes the thoughts of the imagists which used un-rhymed strategy. Although the authors poem wasn't all un-rhymed he uses disruptive rhythm to make it catch the reader to see if they could notice it. The author uses this to include imagist movement to make modernism more interesting by including more movements from that time period to make readers think more closely to the writing.

Modernism occurred during the early 1900s to the 1960s and brought many new ideas to the "low art" which was the majority of people in that time bring out ideas from their inner thoughts and spread their vision of the future to everyone.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Modernist

I chose Elizabeth Bishop as my modernist. I chose her because she is a poet and I enjoy poetry. I also chose her because her poems were about simple things but could contain more meanings than you would think.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"The First Seven Years" response

After reading this story I was definitely shocked with how it ended. I enjoyed the amusement of Miriam's father Feld trying to get her and the boy together when that isn't the fathers place. I also liked the ending because it gave the story a twist and it also allowed the whole story to come together. It let us know why Sobel was such a trustworthy hard worker and why he was upset after Feld talked to the boy. The author also left me wondering if Miriam and Sobel would end up together.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spring Vocab #5

Brouhaha- over excited reaction to something
- There was a brouhaha at the new store opening.
Cloy- discussed or sickened
- Everyone was cloyed after getting food poisoned.
Demeanor-outward behavior
- Stealing is a demeanor.
Deference- humble submission or respect
- The students gave deference to the teacher.
Enigmatic- difficult to interpret or understand
- Sign language is enigmatic.
Definitive- conclusion
- We came up with a definitive answer.
Bumptious- proud to an irritating degree
- The straight A student was bumptious when bragging.
Choleric- bad tempered
- The teacher was choleric when the students didn't do their homework.
Bulwark- a defensive wall
- The shy girl didn't talk because she had up a bulwark.
Curtail- reduce in quantity
- When we ran out of clothes there was a huge curtail.
Adamant- refusing to be persuaded
- The girl was adamant about changing her mind.
Profligate- wasteful in use of resources
- The students were profligate with the tools the teacher gave them.
Mawkish- sentimental in a feeble or sickly way
- The couple was mawkish in the halls.
Thwart- preventing someone from accomplishing something
- The kid with no computer had a thwart.
Onus- used to refer to something that is ones duty or responsibility
- My job is my onus.
Requisite- made necessary by particular circumstances
- My job is my requisite for getting money.
Mollify- appease the anger or anxiety if someone
- My mom had to mollify my dog who got mad.
Sartorial- relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress
- Fashion these days are different from the sartorial in older days.
Presentiment- intuitive feeling about the future
- After I turned in the test I had a presentiment.
Impromptu- done without being planned , organized, or rehearsed
- A surprise is an impromptu.
Forbearance- formal patience or self control
- When teachers make me mad I have to have forbearance.
Remit- refrain from inflicting
- When two guys get in a fight girls have to remit.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Essay Post Game Analysis

I feel like on my essay I did we'll in explaining the literary techniques when talking about how the relate to the theme. Next time I feel like I could better map out my ideas and make sure they are clear so people will know what I'm talking about. I would give myself a B because I answered the essay questions the best I could by what I remembered from the book but could've made it more clear.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Time of My Life

Friday in class I worked on trying to review what I still needed to include on my blog and studied for the vocabulary test which helped me a lot. I also went over the book a little with my group.


Suffused- Gradually spread through or over
- I suffused posters at school.
Centrifuge- Machine that uses force to deprecate a substance
- The man got killed by the centrifuge.
Sieve- A utensil consisting of wire or mesh
-She's got a mind like a sieve.
Dentifrice- Paste or powder for cleaning teeth
- My grandparents used dentifrice for their teeth.
Leisure- use of free time for enjoyment
- Summer is student's leisure.
Patronage- the power to control appointments to office or The right to privlages
- Our principal has patronage over our school.
Saccharine- excessively sweet
Saccharine is favorable for children.
Phonograph- A record player
- My grandparents owned a phonograph.
Profusion- A large quantity of something
- I have a profusion amount of homework.
Cadence- a modulation or inflection o the voice
- When I'm sick I have a cadence when I talk.
Vessel- Ship or large boat
- The marines have many vessels.
Praetorian- Having power
- The instructor was the praetorian.
Delinquent- Failing
The teenager broke the law and became a delinquent.
Gibbering- talking non-sense
- The little boy was gibbering from excitement.
Insidious- treturous/ desietful
- The killer was insidious.
Strewn- scattered randomly
- The stack of papers were strewn across the room.
Veiled- bridal veil
- The bride was veiled walking down the isle.
Harlequin- classic comedian
- My uncle is a harlequin.
Toil- work
- Not all students toil at school.


Proboscis- any long flexible snout.
- The elephant had a proboscis.
Pantomime- dramatic entertainment
- The play showed great pantomime.
Proclivity- tendency to choose or do something regular.
- Biting my nails was my proclivity.
Centrifuge- machine using force for separating substances.
- The machine tore the man apart.
Odious- arousing or deserving hatred
- After the boy lied the girl felt odious towards him.
Jargon- confused unintelligible language
- Spanish is jargon to me.
Ravenous- very eager for food
- After not eating all day I was ravenous when I got home.
Parlor- room used for conversation or resection of guests
- Parlors where very popular in the olden days.
Stagnant- not flowing in a current or stream
- The ocean is a stagnant.
Cacophony- harsh sound
- The thunder gave a great cacophony.
Tamped- to put check on
- My moms friend tamped me when I went out.
Flourish- to grow luxuriously or thrive
- My plants flourish in the spring.
Plateau- extensive land area with level surface and raised sharply
- The grass land was on a plateau.
Rollick- to behave in a joyous manner
- The kids were rollick at recess.
Asylum- place of refuge and protection or giving shelter
- American Horror Story: asylum is the best show Ever.