Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #2

Intercede- to plead on another's behalf
-The man interceded the man's case.

Hackneyed- overused and this cheapened
- The new car was hackneyed after the mad drove everywhere.

Approbation- praise; commendation
- My boss gave me approbation to his manager.

Innuendo- an indirect or subtle and usually derogatory implication in expression
- There was no point replying to this kind of innuendo.

Coalition- an alliance/ combination into one body. Union.
- The goner meant officials made a coalition.

Elicit- to bring out. Evoke/to call forth
- The little boy elicit the fact that the girl cheated off his test.

Hiatus- a gap or interruption in space,time,or continually/slight pause that occurred
- There was a long hiatus after the girl confessed her secret.

Assuage- to make less burdensome or painful; ease
- The medicine helped assuage my hurt leg.

Decadence- a process,  condition, or period of deteriorioration or decline, as in morals or art
- Such behavior shows contempt for other life forms verging on decadence.

Expostulate- Express strong disapproval or disagreement
- The man showed expostulate to his contract. 

Simulate- to assume the appearance of 
- Everyone simulated that they were supposed to dress fancy at the dance.

Jaded- worn out or wearied, as by overworked/dulled 
- Last years fashion style is now jaded. 

Umbrage- resentful displeasure or personal offense 
- The girl felt umbrage when her mom said she couldn't leave the house.

Prerogative- An exclusive right or privilege exercised by virtue of rank or office
- It was the teacher's prerogative to give homework.

Lurid- gruesome and revolting/ startlingly sensational
- The dead body was lurid. 

Transcend- to extend beyond the limits of/surpass or excel 
- The student transcended on her project. 

Provincial- belonging to a particular province
- They were all part of a provincial group.

Petulant- showing sudden impatient irritation over some trifling annoyance
- The teacher was petulant over the kid clicking his pen.

Unctuous- hypocritically smooth or suave
- The blanket had an unctuous texture.

Meritorious- entitled to reward or commendation
- The scientist was meritorious for his incredible invention. 

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