Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vocabulary Remix

Flout- willfully disregarding a rule
Caveat- a qualifying exception
Blazon- to adorn/ decorate
Filch- to steal something of little value
Fractious- bad tempered
Equitable- equal or just
Autonomy- independence/freedom
Addendum- a thing to be added
Amnesty- an official pardon
Axiomatic- self evident
Extricate- to free from difficulty
Soporific- causing sleep
Scathing- severely critical or scornful
Unwieldy- hard to move or carry
Vapid- flat, tasteless,dull
Prognosticate- to predict
Sepulchral- tomb like or having to do with interment/ gloomy or dismal
Salutary- producing good effects
Straitlaced- strictly rule abiding
Scourge- to whip or lash
Precept- general rule for behavior
Transient- lasting for a short amount of time

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