Monday, March 4, 2013

Vocab March 4

Chronic- constantly reoccurring
- Class is a chronic part of my schedule.
Sentiment- an opinion
- My sentiment of school is strong.
Morality- distinction between right and wrong
- Making the right choices is decided by my morality.
Remorse- regret or guilt
- I had a remorse for the bad way I handled the situation.
Defect- imperfection or lack
- The broken toy had a defect.
Acquaintance- a persons knowledge or experience of something
- Meeting the new person was a new acquaintance.
Sanity- ability to think and behave in a normal and rational matter
- People in insane asylums have no sanity.
Implication- conclusion that can be drawn by something
- After hearing her side of the story she had the implication she was right.
Alternative- another possibility
- She had an alternative choice.
Savage- fierce, violent, and uncontrolled
- Wild animals can be savage.
Phenomenon- fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen
- Winning the race is a personal phenomenon.

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