Monday, February 4, 2013


Proboscis- any long flexible snout.
- The elephant had a proboscis.
Pantomime- dramatic entertainment
- The play showed great pantomime.
Proclivity- tendency to choose or do something regular.
- Biting my nails was my proclivity.
Centrifuge- machine using force for separating substances.
- The machine tore the man apart.
Odious- arousing or deserving hatred
- After the boy lied the girl felt odious towards him.
Jargon- confused unintelligible language
- Spanish is jargon to me.
Ravenous- very eager for food
- After not eating all day I was ravenous when I got home.
Parlor- room used for conversation or resection of guests
- Parlors where very popular in the olden days.
Stagnant- not flowing in a current or stream
- The ocean is a stagnant.
Cacophony- harsh sound
- The thunder gave a great cacophony.
Tamped- to put check on
- My moms friend tamped me when I went out.
Flourish- to grow luxuriously or thrive
- My plants flourish in the spring.
Plateau- extensive land area with level surface and raised sharply
- The grass land was on a plateau.
Rollick- to behave in a joyous manner
- The kids were rollick at recess.
Asylum- place of refuge and protection or giving shelter
- American Horror Story: asylum is the best show Ever.

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